In and Around Qatar

Nov 27 to 29, 2008 - Doha Players' The Wishing Well

Friday, April 11, 2008

Photo Hunt - Twist(ed)

Come and join the hunt here.

Photo Hunt - Twist(ed)

A roundabout is a type of road junction at which traffic enters a one-way stream around a central island. In the United States it is technically called a modern roundabout, to emphasize the
distinction from the older, larger type of traffic circle.

This is called the Oryx Roundabout because of the Oryx on top of a TWISTED stand. There are many roundabouts here even on the main road and most of them are named based on what is built in the center of the roundabout or nearby building, office and shops. Some of the popular roundabouts here are named Sports, TV, Museum and Dhow Boat. Accordingly, these names were coined by the expats because there are really no official road and street names ten years ago.

Roundabouts work well in the past when the roads are less busy. Currently, many of the roundabouts along major thoroughfare have already been converted to traffic signals and in some, traffic signals were installed. It's crazy to drive around busy roundabouts during peak hours so even if it's a bit weird, traffic signal in the roundabouts are helpful to keep the traffic flow in order.


Hootin Anni said...

Cool....I like the structure, and with your write up I certainly learned a lot. Great idea.

I'm Twisted! Drop by if you can. Happy Hunting.

Unknown said...

What a nice take on this week's theme. Happy weekend!

Sarge Charlie said...

nice, this is an excellent entry

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a nice and interesting structure. Thank you for sharing more about it. It's good to learn more about Qatar.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nina

That is such a nice idea for the theme "Twisted" .
And a lot of info in the post too!

Thanks for your visit :)